Hummler GbR Internship

My Experience and learnings

Thank you MANUEL HUMMLER for this wonderful job entry – feel free to have a look at his political and business successes! (Click on his name)

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Study: International Management

Mandatory internship of 8 weeks – Check

Thanks to Manuel Hummler I could do the obligatory 8 week internship of my study programm in his IT – consulting company Hummler GbR, where I had first contact to Notion as Project / Data Manager and could gain first startup experiences in a small company. He’s a really great guy and I’m glad I met him.

This Blog Post is about the key learnings I had and the skills I acquired by doing this internship.

My Internship Learnings:

1. Notion – The best Discovery of my LIFE! (Check out my Notion Guide)

2. Decentralized Work – Independant work-organization – KanBan, SCRUM, Discordmeetings

3. Building a basic programming understanding – HTML, CSS und Backend (Server, Code)

1. Notion:

Notion was the System Hummler Consulting introduced me to to organize projects while implementing KanBan – ToDo – pull – systems that enabled all project members to work in a decentralized manner.

I had the luck to be responsible for constructing new workspace areas and implement feedback from the team. I gained a lot of knowledge by watching this playlist from notion.

Notion is the best Database platform I know to this day – The potential and the large variety of functions make it a very good project management platform for companies of any size. The Pricing plans are adjusted to your needs and offer functions to satisfy private users fe. students as well as big companies such as Blinkist and Pixar
The basic philosophy of a Notion workspace is creating central Database and then contextualized views of that information for teams – This way all the data is dynamic and changes are made equally throughout the workspace.

For me, it was hard to find an internship with the very specific timespan of 8 weeks – It could not be longer as we had to be done by the start of the new semester. The timespan between the end of the second semester and the start of the third was not much longer than three weeks, making normal internships that usually span over three months impossible to apply to. Thus, this opportunity to learn Notion in a real project was a great learning and sparked my interest in Notion as a project management plattfor.

2. Decentralized work

This is the Kanban System: Tutorial
The video explains the system in 3 short minutes – It is what we used to organize our work.
As we worked decentral from eachother in a team from all over Germany, Our KanBan Board was inside of Notion, where I could optimize and gather first process optimizaton experiences first hand.
The great thing about working decentral in combination with a KanBan system where everyone can pull their ToDo Tickets based on the capacity they have is that no matter where the teammember is or when they want to work, they can!
After logging into Notion, where our KanBan Board was, you can see open ToDos sorted by priority that are assigned to you. Usually the work is structured based on larger projects fe. researching Target market needs and then smaller specific ToDos are defined in the KanBan board, where members can see the tasks assigned to them and complete them


Trial and Error took me to a moderate level of process understanding and how to structure our board efficiently, effectively and allign it with our meeting protocolls. I encountered concepts like the truck variable and red teams, that are very common in software engineering, but are also applicable to processes in other industries. It was like a lifehack I discovered to test how good the processes I came up with were 🙂

3. Building a Basic Programming Understanding

“Bla bla and who is responsible for the Devops environment? Bla Bla” – wait what? Devops? That sounds like a elite police force !

In our meetings the technical programming terms were overwhelming at first, but soon I picked up an interest in Programming and learned how to build YouTube here. In this short 6 hour tutorial I learned a lot about programming and the terms, which helped me keep up in the meetings.

I can recommend anyone interested in working in IT – Management to first build some technical knowledge, as the experts are often so good at what they do, their simplest explanation grows right over your head.

My Conclusion

Before my Internship I was not very interested in IT – Topics. During the Internship I learned about the empowerment good IT Solutions give teams, especially efficiency and  effectivity. This sparked my interest towards IT solutions and the related processes, ultimately leading to me becoming an IT – and Processmanager.

I am especially thankful for the possibility to get to know and explore Notion within a project. I am glad I learned working wihtin a KanBan Board system and understanding the differences to a SCRUM System – In SCRUM, employees have to produce a fixed terminated outcome in sprints, whereas in KanBan employees can maxmize their output by pulling new tickets as soon as they finish a task. Of course, this is based on the system that the employees want to maximize their work output.

Finally, I learned Programming Basics (HTML and CSS) which ultimately led me to AI and the interest I developed for the topic, that has now turned into a passion.    

Help Yourself and me by getting Notion!

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